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To donate by check, please make checks out to Shoal Creek Conservancy and send to PO Box 11520, Austin, Texas 78711. To donate by another method, for example ACH or stock, email info@shoalcreekconservancy.org.
Please contact your company’s HR department to find out if your donation is eligible for a corporate match. You could double your impact!
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Please note: since you are in the testing mode, this Paypal button will direct you to Paypal testing site (Paypal Sandbox) to simulate the payment process. All information is fictitious in Paypal Sandbox and there will be no real transactions. For your convenience, you can use our pre-registered testing account [jhuang@dev.neoncrm.com/Watercube2]. To enter test mode, Paypal Sandbox may need you to log onto Paypal Developer Central first. Please use [jhuang@dev.neoncrm.com/Watercube2] to login.

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{{donationAmountStr}}/{{recurringUnitText}} USD
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